
Source Navigator vs Source Insight

IMAG0048 (by plateaukao) IMAG0049 (by plateaukao)

Originalement, je voudrais dessiner tout le chateau, et laisser encore assez d'espace en haut. Comme ca, je pourrais essayer de creer quelques jolies nuages sur le ciel. Cependant, j'ai commence par dessiner les gens devant le chateau. Quand j'arrive a finir plusiers etages du chateau... voila, le chateau deja atteignait le plus haut du papier. Bah, je dois bien mesurer le distance avant que je peigne a la prochaine fois. C'est un chateau pres d'ou j'avais le voyage de travail.


Today, one of my colleagues asked me if I know any other tools that we can use to browse source codes efficiently. Well, it's a good question that I did not pay much attention with. While developing softwares with Visual Studio, it's common to only use its built-in intelligence engine. The intelligence engine can already fulfill most of the requirement of general programmers. If it's still notpowerful enough as a code browser, we usually use Source Insight as a second choice. Source Insight did a great job on cross referencing codes.

However, there's one drawback of Source Insight: it does not support unicode files so far. When it comes to unicode source files, you have only two options: first, convert all your source files into non unicode files, which is not a good way; second, use another tools to do the job for you.

Long time ago, I tried Source Navigator. So, I gave it another try with my current ongoing projects today. What I appreciate is, it can build the class heirarchy chart for me. The layout is clear enough to get a whole picture of class relationships. As for source code cross referencing, I found it a bit lousy and slow. Not sure if it's because my nb is not powerful enough.




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