
How to add Google Reader Share RSS feed into Outlook 2007

PB160790.JPG (by plateaukao)

By clicking on the link of "Liste de partage", it will list posts that you want to share with others, and with a header listing some common used actions:
1. send the RSS feed address to others by email
2. embed this feed to your blog or website
3. A direct link to this RSS feed

By choosing the 3rd item, you will see the posts in a normal way. On the right side of the page, there's a general RSS feed icon at your service. That's where you can get a normal RSS feed address to be added to outlook. So, please copy the link first, and then launch Outlook 2007. It's a memory eating big monster. The performance is not either. However, the new menu design is much more useful than outlook 2003. Moreover, it has built-in RSS reader. It's convenient to share with others the articles in the RSS feeds.

Well, once you get the rigt RSS feed URL from Google Reader, just add it. It's done. Have fun.



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