
showing relative line number in vim

Being a long time vim user, this is the first time that I heard vim supports relative line numbers, by which users can jump around the editor screen even more quickly. Just type :set rnu will do the trick.

Another good plugin that can improve navigation speed is EasyMotion. It works a bit like the "f" feature in vimperator for firefox. Too bad that it's not avaible for intellij's ideavim.



中國 App 商業模式 -- 王泌

很有系統地介紹了中國近幾年比較大的幾十個 app,包含他們主要的商業模式,投資者,和特色在哪裡。對於想要了解中國 App (網路服務) 市場的人來說,會是個很好的入門書。雖然已經是兩三年前的資料了,這兩三年又有了很大的變化,但依然是個很好的起點。