

R8076444 (by plateaukao)
HTC You Commercials.Seattle Airport

While waiting for entering the custom, a guard asked me what I do as a job. I told him that I work for a mobile coompany named HTC, and even showed him our Hero device. However, he said he's never heard of it. Obviously, the brand popularity is not good enough in US.

However, once I entered the custom and on my way to the shuttle, I saw a big HTC You Commercials!!! Come one guys! It's right there! It's right there on you way to work every day! How come you did not see it. Well...it's a long way to go as a branded product company.



中國 App 商業模式 -- 王泌

很有系統地介紹了中國近幾年比較大的幾十個 app,包含他們主要的商業模式,投資者,和特色在哪裡。對於想要了解中國 App (網路服務) 市場的人來說,會是個很好的入門書。雖然已經是兩三年前的資料了,這兩三年又有了很大的變化,但依然是個很好的起點。