(Ricoh GRD Nice, France)
在尼斯待了兩天,第二天一早買了Pass 1 jour (4歐),可以坐Tram,巴士。想說就坐坐公車走遠一點兒吧。反正沒要去摩洛哥的話,時間就多了很多。看了一下公車站的地圖,有兩條線會沿著海岸往東去,一條線是81,圖上為綠色的線;另一條是100,圖上是灰色的線。綠色看起來比較順眼,所以我就選了81線坐。
81線的起點是Gare Routiere(公車/客運總站),我在它的下一站上車。公車班次還算密集,一小時有一班或是兩班。上車後發現車上都是老人。尼斯也是老人城嗎?還是我要走的這條線是適合養老的地方呢?我想應該都不是吧。因為我上車的時間是上班時間吧,年輕人都在上班或上課。
到了半島上,經過一間Office du Tourisme,我就臨時興起下車去瞧瞧,拿了一堆簡介、地圖,並問了小姐這附近有什麼景點,然後開始了我的漫步之旅。
這兒比較有名的景點是:Villa Grecque Kerylos(希臘別墅)、Villa & Jardins Ephrussi de Rothschild(某個花園)、動物園(動物園…老實說國外比台北市立動物園好的、大的沒幾個…所以直接跳過),和沿著半島海岸的散步道,中間穿插著幾個收費或免費的海灘。前兩者要收費,合起來買套票會比較便宜,不過我都沒去,因為我還是對風景比較有興趣。散步道總共分成三段,所需時間各是1小時(Baie des Fourmis到Plage Cros des Pin)、半小時(Paloma Plage經過Pointe Saint Hospice, Pointe du Colombier,再回到原點),和一個半小時(Les Fosses到Plage Passable)。這時間是小姐估的,我個人走起來,實際上都比這些時間還要長很多。
逛到下午逛累了,再次走回office du tourisme,跟小姐要了份81路公車的時刻表(還蠻漂亮的)。這時刻表其實就是公車站牌上附的。搭著車回到市區。4歐的交通一日券,可以逛到這麼棒的景色,比花上15歐到伊芙島看島不生蛋的監獄要好多了。
Let's talk about the new improvement of onlinedic. Long time ago, I found there's an extra file in stardict's dictionary zip file. For example, in the zip of Larousse Chambre Francai Anglais, I found a file with the extension of syn. At that time, I did not pay much attention about it; I was just busy with the main functions (make stardict fileformat work on my onlinedic).
Today, I spent some time figuring out what it really is, and what it's for. In the source tree of stardict, under /doc/, a file called StardictFileFormat explained its usage:
{4}. The ",syn" file's format.
This file is optional, and you should notice tree dictionary needn't this file.
Only StarDict-2.4.8 and newer support this file.
The .syn file contains information for synonyms, that means, when you input a synonym, StarDict will search another word that related to it.
The format is simple. Each item contain one string and a number.
synonym_word; // a utf-8 string terminated by '\0'.
original_word_index; // original word's index in .idx file.
Then other items without separation.
When you input synonym_word, StarDict will search original_word;
The length of "synonym_word" should be less than 256. original_word_index is a 2-bits unsigned number in network byte order. Two or more items may have the same synonym_word" with different original_word_index. The items must be sorted by stardict_strcmp() with synonym_word.
Because the .syn file format is similar to that of the idx file, it's not difficult for me to make use of it. NOW, onlinedic supports syn!