
KuaiDial for iPhone - Dialer enhancement utility


KuaiDial is a utility that helps you to fulfill lots of features you really want but you can't find on your native iPhone dialer. Here's a brief list:

1. T9 smart search dial: it supports English, Jianpin, Pinyin, and phone number search right on the dialpad in iPhone's dialer. No need to use the "Search" feature in iPhone's homescreen anymore.
2. Support of displaying area code in dialpad, incoming call UI, outgoing call UI, Call History, SMS list.
3. Support of deleting single call history (call log). This feature is integrated into iPhone dialer's Recent calls UI.(No more MobileLog, WeTool, iLog)
4. Support of adding IP prefix.
5. Break the limit of Recent call numbers (default is 100).
6. Support of adding multiple contacts to make group sms easier.
7. Display missed call calling time in Recent calls UI.
8. Display incoming call contact information
9. Speed dial (one touch dial)
10. Vibrate when call is connected
11. Periodical notification of talking time

System Requirement:
iPhone OS 2.2 ~ 4.1

Cydia source:

Link on Weiphone.com:



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