
Resurrect, my onlinedict

R8076411 (by plateaukao)

Oh, I will survive too, even under this kind of tremendous pressure.
Just....don't bite me. It hurts.


I don't like to use stardict in Ubuntu, bacause of its UI. So, I decided to resurrect my onlinedict. Actually, it already works well in ubuntu after getting the latest codes from sourceforge website, although some libs are depreciated. I replaced the depreciated lib, and modifed a bit the parser of collins online dictionary, which is one of my favorite dics.



中國 App 商業模式 -- 王泌

很有系統地介紹了中國近幾年比較大的幾十個 app,包含他們主要的商業模式,投資者,和特色在哪裡。對於想要了解中國 App (網路服務) 市場的人來說,會是個很好的入門書。雖然已經是兩三年前的資料了,這兩三年又有了很大的變化,但依然是個很好的起點。