
忙碌 / Upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 / First Bike to Work Day

P5015286 (by plateaukao)
Olympus E510
Avignon, France



After installing official release of Video card driver (ATI), the response time of my linux (ubuntu 7.04) is pretty slow. The transition between two windows is so obvious. That keeps me wondering, if I did install an "Official Release" on my machine. Anyway, I know it surely has something to do with the video card driver. So I decided to upgrade my system to 8.04. In this way, the new x server will be installed and everything should go fine. After all, it's been a long time since 8.04 is out. Lot's of packages on the internet nowadays are only for 8.04 version. For 7.10 release, it's harder to find certain corresponding packages.

The upgrade is pretty straightforward. The Update Manager took care all the details for me. All I had do is to answer some stupid questions during installation, which is a bit annoying because I am not staring at the monitor all the time.

Since the layout of my window manager is already customized, I can tell much difference from the previous version. However, some utilities are so handy. For example, the international clock applet is built-in for the gnome-panel. The release for 7.10 is so buggy that it's so hard to add cities to the applet. And for 8.10, it works like a charm~~

Another tool that I started using right away is gPodder. It's the best podcast manager of all under linux. It solved my problem of downloading podcasts in the way I want.

I will update more info about my experiences with ubuntu 8.04 in the future.


Recement, le velo est vraiment populaire a taiwan. Autour de taipei, on a construit des chemins speciaux pour le velo. C'est plus agreable que prendre le velo dans la ville. moi, je voulais aller au travail a velo depuis longtemps. Enfin, aujourd'hui, je l'ai fait pour la premiere fois! En fait, je l'ai fait plusieurs fois, mais seulement pendant le week-end.

C'est pas de grands chose, parce que c'est trop proche entre ma compagnie et ma maison.




乩童警探 一二集
